Site Amenities Survey

As part of our plans for Mossy Hill Wind Farm, we want to make sure that the site can be interesting and useful for the surrounding communities. We are looking at a wide range of possible options, and would like you feedback and ideas.

These range from new walking and cycling tracks around the site and outdoor visitor areas with information about the site to a potential indoor exhibition area which would also incorporate an office for Statkraft staff.

We would like to get your feedback on our initial ideas and find out what else you might like to see.

All responses are anonymous and no personal data is being collected as part of this survey. If you have any questions for the project team, please get in touch so we can respond to you.

Site Amenities Survey

Are you likely to visit the Mossy Hill Wind Farm site once it is open to the public?

How would you travel to the site?

Would you use a bus stop if there was one near the site?

Wind Farm Tracks - In which capacity will you use the Wind Farm tracks? Select all that apply

How often would you visit the site?

Do you think installing seating at various points across the site is a good idea?

Would you like to see interpretative panels across the site?

Interpretative Panels - Which topics would you like to see on the interpretative panels?

Outdoor Amenities- Which outdoor amenities would you find useful?

If there was access to indoor amenities, who would you envisage using this?

Indoor facilities - Which indoor amenities would you find useful?

Where are you located?

What is your age?