Local Suppliers
Our aim is to have the least impact and provide the most benefit to the communities in which we operate. The construction phase is one way we can create economic benefits through inward investment, including many local companies who may not have worked on a renewable energy project before.
Supplier story and case study
Statkraft is committed to giving back to the local community both through community funds and through working with local suppliers. The relationships we forge with local suppliers help our projects to become successes and provide valuable investment in the local area.
Building Strong Relationships with local suppliers: Blargoans Limited
Statkraft is committed to giving back to the local community both through community funds and through working with local suppliers. The relationships we forge with local suppliers help our projects to become successes and provide valuable investment in the local area. Read the story of our relationship with Blargoans Limited in the construction of Baillie Wind Farm.
Read the story